Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Current Portfolio

Screen Paint Over in Photoshop

Farmy Life - Children's Book App (WIP)

 Adder from Elders of the Runestone comic book series. Written by the amazing Quinn Johnson!

Speed Painting: https://youtu.be/8vfIUbaZYoY

Comic Written by: Quinn Johnson
Illustrated by: Ryan Landvatter

Speed painting/Fan Art

Dr. Who Fan Art/New Years Comic

Hulk Infinity Sketch 1 hr.

Black Widow Speed Sketch

Painting Process

 This is a painting for my kids of an ongoing bedtime story. They each described and made up their own character which they play the part of in these stories.

First published work. Commissioned by RL Viera via Kickstarter

Nightmare Halloween Painting 2014

 Fan Art of Iron Man which I drew for my son, this was a fast study only spent about 1 hour total.